Options available to all members upon termination of employment

  1. Refund processing occurs at the earlier of either: a) 30 days after VCERA sends you the Special Tax Notice Regarding Plan Payments and Federal Income Tax (Special Tax Notice); or b) 30 days from the date of separation of employment if you elect to waive the Special Tax Notice. 
  2. Apply for reciprocal retirement benefits if you intend to become a member of a reciprocal retirement system within 180 days. Your retirement service credit accrued under all reciprocal systems will be combined to determine when you are vested and when the minimum eligibility requirements are met for receiving a service retirement, unless you are a member of a JRS II and have established limited reciprocity.
  3. Apply for a service-connected disability retirement if you are permanently disabled for the performance of your duties due to job-related injury or disease.
  4. Leave contributions on deposit with VCERA.
  5. Apply for a regular service retirement if the minimum eligibility requirements are met. Deferred non-vested members are eligible for a service retirement once they reach age 70.